3 Nov 2015

Brain Facts - Brain Development

The cells of the nervous system
connect with one another in trillions of remarkably specific patterns
that form and change over the course of an organism’s life.

These connections develop among various types of neurons, a process
that begins in the embryo. First, appropriate types of neurons
must arise in appropriate numbers and migrate to appropriate places.

The axons and dendrites that form the connections then extend
from these nerve cells, and the growth of axons must be guided over
long distances so they reach the appropriate targets. Axons must
recognize specific target cells. The connections that form initially
then mature, with the activity and experience of early postnatal life
playing a key role in their refinement. The degree of complexity in
the brain, and therefore the amount of interaction required to regulate
its development, is far greater than in other organs of the body.

Scientists studying development are working to reveal how these
complicated processes of connecting and reshaping occur.
Many initial steps in brain development are similar across species,
although later steps are different. By studying these similarities
and differences, scientists can learn about normal human brain development
and can learn how brain abnormalities, such as mental
retardation and other disorders, can be prevented or treated.

Advances in the study of brain development have become
increasingly relevant for medical treatments. For example, several
diseases that most scientists once thought were purely disorders of
adult function are now being considered in developmental terms,
including schizophrenia. Other research suggests that genes that are
important for brain development may also play a role in susceptibility
to autism spectrum disorders. And by applying knowledge about
how connections form during development, regeneration following
injury to the brain now is viewed as distinctly possible.

Knowing how the brain is put together is essential for understanding
its ability to reorganize in response to external influences
or injury. These studies also shed light on brain functions such as
learning and memory. The brain evolves from the embryo to the
adult stage, and during infancy and childhood it possesses unique
attributes that contribute to differences in learning ability as well as
vulnerability to specific brain disorders. Neuroscientists are beginning
to discover some general principles that underlie developmental
processes, many of which overlap in time.

Birth of neurons and brain wiring

Three to four weeks after conception, one of the two cell layers
of the gelatinlike human embryo, about one-tenth of an inch long,
starts to thicken and build up along the middle. As the cells continue
to divide and this flat neural plate grows, parallel ridges, similar to
the creases in a paper airplane, rise across its surface. Within a few
days, the ridges fold in toward each other and fuse to form the hollow
neural tube. The top of the tube thickens into three bulges that form
the hindbrain, midbrain, and forebrain. The first signs of the eyes and
the hemispheres of the brain appear later in development.

Brain Development

The human brain and nervous system begin to develop at about three weeks’ gestation with the closing of the neural tube. By four weeks, major regions of the human brain can be recognized in primitive form, including the forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain, and optic vesicle (from which the eye
develops). Irregular ridges, or convolutions, are clearly seen by six months.

The embryo has three layers that undergo many interactions in
order to grow into organ, bone, muscle, skin, or neural tissue. Skin
and neural tissue arise from one layer, the ectoderm, in response to
signals provided by the adjacent layer, the mesoderm.

A number of molecules interact to determine whether the
ectoderm becomes neural tissue or develops in another way to
become skin. Studies of spinal cord development in frogs show that
one major mechanism depends on specific proteins that inhibit
the activity of other proteins. In areas where no inhibition occurs,
the tissue becomes skin. In areas where proteins secreted from the
mesoderm do lead to inhibition, the tissue becomes neural.

Once the ectodermal tissue has acquired its neural fate, more
signaling interactions determine which type of brain cell forms. The
mature nervous system contains a vast array of cell types, which can
be divided into two main categories: the neurons, responsible primarily
for signaling, and supporting cells called glial cells.

Researchers are finding that the destiny of neural tissue depends
on a number of elements, including cell position within the
nervous system, that define the environmental signals to which
the cells are exposed. For example, a key factor in spinal cord development
is a secreted protein called sonic hedgehog that is similar to a
signaling protein found in flies. The protein, initially secreted from
mesodermal tissue lying beneath the developing spinal cord,
marks directly adjacent neural cells to become a specialized class
of glial cells. Cells farther away are exposed to lower concentrations
of sonic hedgehog, and they become the motor neurons
that control muscles. An even lower concentration promotes the
formation of interneurons, which relay messages to other neurons,
not muscles.

A combination of signals also determines the type of chemical
messages, or neurotransmitters, that a neuron will use to communicate
with other cells. For some cells, such as motor neurons,
the type of neurotransmitter is fixed, but for other neurons, it is a
matter of choice. Scientists found that when certain neurons are
maintained in a dish with no other cell types, they produce the
neurotransmitter norepinephrine. In contrast, if the same neurons
are maintained with other cells, such as cardiac, or heart, tissue,
they produce the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Since all neurons
have the genes required to produce these molecules, it is the turning
on of a particular set of genes that begins the production of
specific neurotransmitters. Many researchers believe that the signal
to engage the gene and, therefore, the final determination of the
chemical messengers that a neuron produces, is influenced by
factors coming from the targets themselves.


A cross-sectional view of
the occipital lobe (which
processes vision) of a
three-month-old monkey
fetus brain (center)
shows immature neurons
migrating along glial
fibers. These neurons
make transient connections
with other neurons before
reaching their destination.
A single migrating neuron,
shown about 2,500 times
its actual size (right), uses
a glial fiber as a guiding
scaffold. To move, it needs
adhesion molecules, which
recognize the pathway,
and contractile proteins to
propel it along.

Neurons are initially produced along the central canal in the
neural tube. These neurons then migrate from their birthplace to a
final destination in the brain. They collect together to form each
of the various brain structures and acquire specific ways of transmitting
nerve messages. Their axons grow long distances to find and
connect with appropriate partners, forming elaborate and specific
circuits. Finally, sculpting action eliminates redundant or improper
connections, honing the specific purposes of the circuits that remain.

The result is a precisely elaborated adult network of 100 billion
neurons capable of body movement, perception, emotion,
and thought.

As neurons are produced, they move from the neural tube’s ventricular
zone, or inner surface, to near the border of the marginal zone,
or outer surface. After neurons stop dividing, they form an intermediate
zone where they gradually accumulate as the brain develops.

The migration of neurons occurs in most structures of the
brain but is particularly prominent in the formation of a large
cerebral cortex in primates, including humans. In this structure,
neurons slither from the place of origin near the ventricular surface,
along non-neuronal fibers that form a trail, to their proper destination.

Proper neuron migration requires multiple mechanisms,
including the recognition of the proper path and the ability to
move long distances. One mechanism for long-distance migration is
the movement of neurons along elongated fibers that form transient
scaffolding in the fetal brain. In another mode, inhibitory interneurons
migrate tangentially across the brain. Many external forces,
such as alcohol, cocaine, or radiation, prevent proper neuronal
migration and result in misplacement of cells, which may lead to
mental retardation or epilepsy. Furthermore, mutations in genes
that regulate migration have been shown to cause some rare genetic
forms of retardation and epilepsy in humans.

Once the neurons reach their final location, they must make
the proper connections for a particular function to occur; for example,
vision or hearing. They do this through their axons. These
thin appendages can stretch out a thousand times longer than the
cell body from which they arise. The journey of most axons ends
when they meet thicker appendages, called dendrites, on other
neurons. These target neurons can be located at a considerable
distance, sometimes at the opposite side of the brain. In the case of
a motor neuron, the axon may travel from the spinal cord all the
way down to a foot muscle.

Axon growth is directed by growth cones. These enlargements
of the axon’s tip actively explore the environment as they seek out
their precise destination. Researchers have discovered many special
molecules that help guide growth cones. Some molecules lie on the
cells that growth cones contact, whereas others are released from
sources found near the growth cone. The growth cones, in turn,
bear molecules that serve as receptors for the environmental cues.
The binding of particular signals with receptors tells the growth
cone whether to move forward, stop, recoil, or change direction.

These signaling molecules include proteins with names such as
netrin, semaphorin, and ephrin. In most cases, these are families of
related molecules; for example, researchers have identified at least
15 semaphorins and at least 10 ephrins.

Perhaps the most remarkable finding is that most of these
proteins are common to worms, insects, and mammals, including
humans. Each protein family is smaller in flies or worms than in
mice or people, but its functions are quite similar. It has therefore
been possible to use the simpler animals to gain knowledge that can
be applied directly to humans. For example, the first netrin was discovered
in a worm and shown to guide neurons around the worm’s
“nerve ring.” Later, vertebrate netrins were found to guide axons
around the mammalian spinal cord. Receptors for netrins were
found in worms and proved invaluable in finding the corresponding,
and related, human receptors.

Once axons reach their targets, they form synapses, which
permit electric signals in the axon to jump to the next cell, where
they can either provoke or prevent the generation of a new signal.
The regulation of this transmission at synapses, and the integration
of inputs from the thousands of synapses each neuron receives, are
responsible for the astounding information-processing capacity of
the brain. For processing to occur properly, the connections must
be highly specific. Some specificity arises from the mechanisms that
guide each axon to its proper target area. Additional molecules
mediate target recognition, whereby the axon chooses the proper
neuron, and often the proper part of the target, once it arrives at
its destination. Several of these recognition molecules have been
identified in the past few years.

Researchers also have had success identifying the ways in
which the synapse differentiates once contact has been made.
The tiny portion of the axon that contacts the dendrite becomes
specialized for the release of neurotransmitters, and the tiny portion
of the dendrite that receives the contact becomes specialized to
receive and respond to the signal. Special molecules pass between
the sending and receiving cells to ensure that the contact is formed
properly and that the sending and receiving specializations are
precisely matched. These processes ensure that the synapse can
transmit signals quickly and effectively. Finally, still other molecules
coordinate the maturation of the synapse after it has formed, so that
it can accommodate the changes that occur as our bodies mature
and our behavior changes. Defects in some of these molecules are
now thought to confer susceptibility to disorders such as autism,
and the loss of others may underlie the degradation of synapses that
occurs during aging.

Many axons in the brain require a sheath of myelin to enhance
the speed of conduction. The process of wrapping axons in myelin
occurs last and can take years to complete in some areas of the brain.

Paring back

After growth, the neural network is pared back to create a
more efficient system. Only about half the neurons generated during
development survive to function in the adult. Entire populations
of neurons are removed through apoptosis, programmed cell
death initiated in the cells. Apoptosis is activated if a neuron loses
its battle with other neurons to receive life-sustaining chemical
signals called trophic factors. These factors are produced in limited
quantities by target tissues. Each type of trophic factor supports
the survival of a distinct group of neurons. For example, nerve
growth factor is important for sensory neuron survival. Recently, it
has become clear that apoptosis is maintained into adulthood and
constantly held in check. On the basis of this idea, researchers have
found that injuries and some neurodegenerative diseases kill neurons
not directly by the damage they inflict but rather by activating
the cells’ own death programs. This discovery — and its implication
that death need not follow insult — have led to new avenues
for therapy.

Brain cells also form too many connections at first. For example,
in primates, the projections from the two eyes to the brain
initially overlap and then sort out to separate territories devoted to
one eye or the other. Furthermore, in the young primate cerebral
cortex, the connections between neurons are greater in number
than and twice as dense as those in an adult primate.


The mature
central nervous system (CNS) consists of the brain
and spinal cord. The brain sends nerve signals
to specific parts of the body through peripheral
nerves, known as the peripheral nervous system
(PNS). Peripheral nerves in the cervical region
serve the neck and arms; those in the thoracic
region serve the trunk; those in the lumbar region
serve the legs; and those in the sacral region
serve the bowels and bladder. The PNS consists
of the somatic nervous system that connects
voluntary skeletal muscles with cells specialized
to respond to sensations, such as touch and
pain. The autonomic nervous system is made
of neurons connecting the CNS with internal
organs. It is divided into the sympathetic nervous
system, which mobilizes energy and resources
during times of stress and arousal, and the
parasympathetic nervous system, which conserves
energy and resources during relaxed states.

Communication between neurons with chemical and electrical signals is necessary
to weed out the connections. The connections that are active
and generating electrical currents survive, whereas those with little
or no activity are lost. Thus, the circuits of the adult brain are
formed, at least in part, by sculpting away incorrect connections to
leave only the correct ones.

Critical periods

Although most of the neuronal cell death occurs in the
embryo, the paring down of connections occurs in large part during
critical periods in early postnatal life. These are windows of time
during development when the nervous system must obtain certain
critical experiences, such as sensory, movement, or emotional
input, to develop properly. These periods are characterized by high
learning rates.

After a critical period, connections diminish in number and
are less subject to change, but the ones that remain are stronger,
more reliable, and more precise. Injury or deprivation, either
sensory or social, occurring at a certain stage of postnatal life may
affect one aspect of development, whereas the same injury at a
different period may affect another aspect.

In one example, if a monkey is raised from birth to 6 months
of age with one eyelid closed, the animal permanently loses useful
vision in that eye because of diminished use. This gives cellular
meaning to the saying “use it or lose it.” Loss of vision is caused by
the actual loss of functional connections between that eye and neurons
in the visual cortex. This finding has led to earlier and better
treatment for the eye disorders of congenital cataracts and “crossed
eyes” in children.

Research also shows that enriched environments can bolster
brain development. For example, studies show that animals brought
up in toy-filled surroundings have more branches on their neurons
and more connections than isolated animals. In one recent study,
scientists found that enriched environments resulted in more neurons
in a brain area involved in memory.

Many people have observed that children can learn languages
with greater proficiency than adults, and recent research suggests
that the heightened activity of the critical period may contribute
to this robust learning. Interestingly, compared with adults, children
have an increased incidence of certain disorders that involve
excessive brain activity, such as epilepsy. Many epilepsy syndromes
appear during childhood and fade away by adulthood. Brain development
in people continues into the early 20s — even the brain
of an adolescent is not completely mature. One of the later aspects
of brain development is the completion of myelination of the
axons connecting one brain area to another. This process starts
around birth and moves from the back of the brain to the front:

The frontal lobes are the last to become “connected” with fastconducting
myelinated axons. Major functions of the frontal lobes
are judgment, insight, and impulse control, and so the acquisition
of these attributes becomes the last step in the creation of an adult
human brain.

Scientists hope that new insight into brain development
will lead to treatments for those with learning disabilities, brain
damage, and neurodegenerative disorders and will help us understand
aging. Research results indicate the need to understand
processes related to normal function of the brain at each of its
major stages and suggest that this information might lead to better
age-specific therapies for brain disorders.

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